Well my friends.. now I think it is the time for some self healing confessions: I think I came online to do just that a bit... to escape from the grey day to day routine... At least that was the primary motive then.
The first days, they were somehow darker than nowadays, I met a lot of people in murky places, did what perhaps most do at the beginning... hoping from one ball to another... searching the ultimative kick.
And after some days I realized... whatever you do here, it is just pixel on pixel, I just felt like there should be more to something with such an good concept as I found that here in Second Life.
I had at the end of that episode perhaps met about 50 people (more or less)... it was funny when you saw how those things worked from day to day... And I learned something about myself too, I loved it to be polite and friendly and the best things I had were the conversations when they had some depth.
Once I met one guy from the US, he being a student of geosience and me a girl with a love for that matter back from school, we had some common ground at once... some funny talks while looking at dancers, kittys or other beings. It was fun to watch what people do, what they try to attract attention :-). On the other hand.. why do we do that... even here.. its only electrons.
Giving that matter some thoughts, perhaps i should come next time as an ugly fat version of Kahli (well would get me some attraction in itself hihi) - and a good friend of mine is at the moment searching for a Garfield (I love lasagne) outfit for me.
Well.. (as you may have noticed dear reader - one of the words I love to use and a word which hasnt any meaning in itself)... As I said the first weeks were a little off the scope...
Scratching my head, ah yes the story:
I met then in some dungeon, ups - yes those places do exist in the fantasy worlds of SL (Second Life) and compared with RL (Real Life, some even call that FL - First Life) they must be many and huge - the girl of my dreams. Ah, yes, now you think... whats going on here.. girl on girl... dungeons at all. Well I think I mentioned it somewhere earlier... SL is a dream world, as such I started there. My idea of it today? Needs an extra post in the future.
So those wild, kinky and somehow hallow first weeks were about to end, and SL became for me something I hadnt thought possible at all..
I started my life here to try it out, to have fun and a little as a trip to myself. Same famous german comedian put it like this: „Heute besuche ich mich. Hoffentlich bin ich daheim.“ - or in english "Today i am visiting myself. Hope I will be at home" (Karl Valentin 1882-1948).
The next post will be about the girl I met and the way we took.
The first days, they were somehow darker than nowadays, I met a lot of people in murky places, did what perhaps most do at the beginning... hoping from one ball to another... searching the ultimative kick.
And after some days I realized... whatever you do here, it is just pixel on pixel, I just felt like there should be more to something with such an good concept as I found that here in Second Life.
I had at the end of that episode perhaps met about 50 people (more or less)... it was funny when you saw how those things worked from day to day... And I learned something about myself too, I loved it to be polite and friendly and the best things I had were the conversations when they had some depth.
Once I met one guy from the US, he being a student of geosience and me a girl with a love for that matter back from school, we had some common ground at once... some funny talks while looking at dancers, kittys or other beings. It was fun to watch what people do, what they try to attract attention :-). On the other hand.. why do we do that... even here.. its only electrons.
Giving that matter some thoughts, perhaps i should come next time as an ugly fat version of Kahli (well would get me some attraction in itself hihi) - and a good friend of mine is at the moment searching for a Garfield (I love lasagne) outfit for me.
Well.. (as you may have noticed dear reader - one of the words I love to use and a word which hasnt any meaning in itself)... As I said the first weeks were a little off the scope...
Scratching my head, ah yes the story:
I met then in some dungeon, ups - yes those places do exist in the fantasy worlds of SL (Second Life) and compared with RL (Real Life, some even call that FL - First Life) they must be many and huge - the girl of my dreams. Ah, yes, now you think... whats going on here.. girl on girl... dungeons at all. Well I think I mentioned it somewhere earlier... SL is a dream world, as such I started there. My idea of it today? Needs an extra post in the future.
So those wild, kinky and somehow hallow first weeks were about to end, and SL became for me something I hadnt thought possible at all..
I started my life here to try it out, to have fun and a little as a trip to myself. Same famous german comedian put it like this: „Heute besuche ich mich. Hoffentlich bin ich daheim.“ - or in english "Today i am visiting myself. Hope I will be at home" (Karl Valentin 1882-1948).
The next post will be about the girl I met and the way we took.